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Quality Control Chemistry Lab.

Chemical test results are recorded under analysis reports of all raw materials that affect our product quality. Additionally, tests and measurements of our semi-finished and finished products are carried out during their final controlling stage.

Examination and test results are evaluated with standards and conformity of the relevant product and customer demands. Afterwards they are approved for delivery.

The examination, testing and measurement devices in our Quality Control Chemistry Laboratory are summed up as follows;

*ALYA Pull-Break Bench

*Bend and Re-bend Test Machine


*Alya tensile strenght test with a break device existing in its laboratories

*Bend-clamp test

*Constriction % and strain % measurements are carried out depending on request.

*Ovality and tolerance checks with roll diameter (for flat products)

*Hardness Measurements

All examination, testing, and measurement devices used in our chemistry laboratory has a calibration certificate; calibration procedures are carried out periodically by External Calibration Laboratories with national and international qualifications.


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